45th BCS Exam Written Exam Schedule 2023. 45th BCS Exam-2022 Written Exam [Compulsory and Post-Relevant Subjects] Schedule Released. 45th B.C.S. Exam-2022 Schedule of Written Examination [Compulsory and Post-Relevant Subjects]. Center: Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur and Mymensingh Exam Schedule. 45th B.C.S. The written test will be conducted on double lithocode and barcoded answer sheets so a lithocoded OMR form will be attached to the first page of the conventional answer sheets. The first section to be filled by the candidate on the OMR form should be filled by the candidate with a black ink ballpoint pen as per the following instructions.
45th BCS Written Seat Plan 2024

45th BCS Written Exam Date and Seat Plan 2023
45th B.C.S. Exam-201 preliminary test (MCQ Type) seat system, schedule, and instructions for conducting the test. 45th B.C.S. Exam-2021 Preliminary Test (MCQ Type) will be held on 27.05.2022 [from 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM] Friday, Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur, and The Mymensingh center will be held as per the following schedule and seating arrangements.
The much-awaited 45th BCS exam seat pattern has been released. As per the seat pattern, this exam will be held on Friday 19th May 2023, from 10 am to 12 pm in the same question paper across the country in the divisional cities. As usual in other BCS exams, the 45th BCS exam will have 04 sets of codes and each category will have questions as per the syllabus. Here you can see past year question papers 20 or 40 or more or such repeats. May not repeat again.
Candidates will enter the respective exam room and take the designated seat when the exam is scheduled. Candidates must follow hygiene rules and maintain physical distance while entering the examination hall. It should be noted that no candidate can enter the examination hall without a mask. The answer sheet will be distributed among the candidates. There will be 4 sets of answer sheets, ie Set-1, 2, 3 and 4. Candidates should write their district and registration number on the answer sheet and fill the corresponding circles of the registration number with a black ink ballpoint pen.
45th BCS Seat Plan 2023
45th BCS Seat Plan 2023 pdf download
Candidates will sign the attendance list. At this time, the admit card should be kept open on the table. The photo and signature of the admit card will be compared with the photo and signature of the attendance list, if any discrepancy is found, appropriate action will be taken including expulsion.