Ad-din Welfare Centre announces job opportunities for the below position under the intervention. “Resilient Homestead and Livelihood Support to the Vulnerable Coastal People of Bangladesh (RHL)” supported by Green Climate Fund (GCF) and PKSE. Interested Candidates are requested to send their detailed CV with a cover letter addressing the Executive Director, Ad-din Welfare Centre, Pulerhat, Jashore, or send your CV with a cover letter to the given email: Application should have a detailed CV including contact number and 2 references. A recent Photograph must be enclosed with CV Only short-listed candidates will be called for written and viva examination. Written and viva examination dates will be informed by mobile. Application Deadline: March 31, 2024 Please find the Terms of References (ToR) of the advertised positions given on the website
Ad-din Welfare Centre Job Circular 2024