The 7 government colleges affiliated with Dhaka University are respectively (1) Dhaka College (2) Kabi Nazrul Government College (3) Eden Women’s College (4) Begum Badrunnessa Government Women’s College (5) Government Shaheed Suhrawardy College (6) Government Bangla College and (7) Applications are invited for admission to undergraduate programs for the academic year 2022-2023 in the Departments of Arts and Social Sciences of Government Titumir College.
If a student who has passed from any discipline other than humanities at a higher secondary or equivalent level participates in the admission process of the Arts and Social Science unit, his/her candidature of other units (if any) applied for will be considered canceled. Candidates of other units interested in studying subjects under Arts and Social Science units shall follow the instructions of their respective units.
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7 college admission requirements 2023

7 College Admission Eligibility 2023
1. Students who have passed Business Education / A’ Level / Business Management at Higher Secondary level can apply.
2. Only those who have passed Madhyamik or equivalent from 2017 to 2020 and Higher Madhyamik or its equivalent from 2022 can apply.
3. To participate in the admission test, candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary in Business Education and Business Management Examination and have an aggregate GPA of at least 6.50 in the Secondary and Higher Secondary or equivalent examination can apply for admission. Candidates coming from Business Management Group at Higher Secondary level must have an Accounting subject and
A minimum grade point of 3.0 is required in the subject.
8. Candidates who have passed at least 5 subjects in IGCSE / O Level and at least 2 subjects in IAL / GCE A Level can apply for admission. Those who have had any one of A Level-4 Business Studies / Accounting / Economics / Mathematics can apply only.
5. Equality:
O Level / A Level / Equivalent Foreign Course or Open University Passed Students for Equivalence
By visiting website
The prescribed fee should be submitted online immediately by applying under the ‘Equivalence Application’ menu. Using the ‘Equivalence ID’ obtained after the equivalence, they can apply for the admission test by logging on to the same website as normal students. The letter grade points earned on the test will be as follows: A = 5.0, B= 4.0, C =3.50, D=3.
6. Application Fee Payment Procedure: Apply online at the website from 02/04/2023 to 30/04/2023 at 11:59 PM. The admission application will require the student’s Higher Secondary and Secondary details, current address, mobile number, quota-related information (where applicable), and a photograph of the size mentioned on the website. An admission test fee of 600.00 (in any branch of any of the 4 state-owned commercial banks (Sonali, Janata, Agrani, and Rupali) within the prescribed time frame or through any debit/credit card, mobile financial services (eg: Cash/Bikash/Rocket, etc.) six hundred) to be deposited Rs. Detailed information regarding the application and fee deposit is available on the website at
7. Ward quota of teachers/officers/employees working in Dhaka University including affiliated 7 (seven) colleges (boys/girls/husband/wife only), tribes/minor ethnic groups, Harijan and Dalit communities, disabled (visual, speech, hearing, physical and Neuro-Developmental Disorders) and Freedom Fighters (Child/Grandchild/Granddaughter) Quota Candidates who wish to take admission must tick that quota while filling the online admission form.