2nd Phase Primary Teacher Recruitment Admit Card Download 2024. How to Download 2nd Step Primary Teacher Recruitment Admit Card This admit card and national identity card must be brought with you to participate in the written and oral tests. At 8:30 a.m. the candidate must take the allotted seat and cannot leave the room until the examination is over. All entrances to the examination center will be closed at 9:30 am and OMR sheets will be distributed in the examination hall. No candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination without an admit card. No books, answer sheets, notes, or any other documents, calculators, mobile phones, vanity bags, purses, watches or clocks, electronic wristwatches, or any kind of electronic devices, communication devices, or similar items will be allowed to enter the examination center.
Admit Card: https://admit.dpe.gov.bd
2nd Phase Primary Admit 2024

In the OMR form that will be given at the examination hall, in the set code box, fill the circle against the code mentioned in the admit card. The set codes of the examination papers and the set codes of the OMR form will be different. The room invigilator will inform five minutes before the start of the exam which set code question will be given against the candidate’s OMR set code. Candidates should check whether they got the correct code question.
The answer sheet will be considered invalid if the test is done in a set code other than the OMR set code specified in the admit card. Any mistake in filling the circle of roll or set code will be treated as invalid. Candidates have to sign in the correct place on the attendance sheet and fill up the attendance circle.
Otherwise, the answer sheet will be considered invalid. All the text boxes prescribed at the top of the OMR form must be filled as per the instructions, otherwise the answer sheet will be considered invalid. The candidate’s seat list will be drawn in the room inside the examination center. Participation in written test or oral tests does not guarantee employment. Marks of written and oral examinations are not publishable. All the information related to the examination is available on the Directorate’s website (www.dpe.gov.bd).