www.ntrca.teletalk.com.bd admit card 2023. Non-Government Teachers’ Registration & Certification Authority (NTRCA). 17th Teachers’ Registration Examination-2023. The written test of the optional subject of the 17th Teacher Registration Examination will be held on the 5th and 6th of May 2023 Download the Written Exam Admit Card.
17th Registration Written Exam Admit Uploaded. You can download the admit card with your user id and password. NTRCA Info: 17th written exam ADMIT CARD is available at NTRCA.TELETALK.COM.BD, 17th Registration (Written) Exam (Admit Card) Admit Card published on 16 April 2023. A message will appear again in the SIM to download the admit card for the written test and the previous roll will remain unchanged!
17th ntrca written Exam Info:
- School/School-II Level: 5 May 2023, 09.00-12.00
- College Level: 6 May 2023, 09.00-12.00

17th ntrca written admit card 2023

General instructions for applicants:
01. Candidates must bring the Admit Card and show it to the invigilators on duty during the exam.
02. Candidates should bring Black Ballpoint Pen.
03. Candidates involved in unfair means/misconduct in the examination hall, will be silently expelled.
04. Nobody is allowed to carry any mobile phone, Scientific Calculator, Digital Watch or any Electronic Device during the exam.
05. Attendance sheets have been prepared with the candidate’s photograph and specimen signature. Invigilators will check the candidates physically with both the photographs of admit card and attendance sheet. The candidate’s signature will also be checked by the invigilators in the same way.
06. Candidates are responsible for any kind of mistake in falling up the circle in the answer script. Candidates are also instructed to fill up the circle very carefully.