wewb.teletalk.com.bd Apply | Wage Earners Board Job Circular 2023

Wage Earners Board Recruitment Circular 2023. Online (http://wewb.teletalk.com.bd) applications are being invited from genuine citizens of Bangladesh for direct recruitment of manpower on a full temporary basis with the following qualifications and conditions to fill the vacant posts of Wage Earners Welfare Board under the Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Foreign Employment. Applications sent through any medium other than online will not be accepted. Any amendments, or additions (if any) related to this recruitment notification will be published on the Board’s website (www.wewb.gov.bd).


wewb.teletalk.com.bd Apply | Wage Earners Board Job Circular 2023




Only one post can be applied for. Application for more than one post will be considered canceled. The result of the examination of the candidate will be determined as the candidate of the district mentioned by the candidate at the permanent address. Even if the permanent address of the candidate is changed after submitting the application form, the result of the candidate will be determined on the basis of the district mentioned in the application. The schedule of the written, practical, and oral examinations will be published on the website of the Wage Earners Welfare Board (www.wewb.gov.bd). No interview paper will be sent separately for practical and oral tests.

Date and Time of Online Filling of Application Form and Submission of Application Fee: 12th October 2023 A.D. Date 10:00 am. The last date and time for filling out the application form online: is 01 November 2023 at 5:00 PM. Candidates who have received User ID within the said period shall submit the examination fee via SMS within 72 (seventy-two) hours from the time of submission of the application form online. In the online application form, the candidate will scan his color photograph (length 300 × width 300 pixels) and signature (length 300 × width 80 pixels) and upload it to the designated place. Image size, maximum 100 KB, and signature size should be between 60 KB.

As the information filled in the online application form will be used in all the subsequent activities, the candidate must ensure the correctness of all the information filled in the online application form before submitting the application form. Submit one copy during the exam. After completing the online application form by uploading the photo and signature according to the instructions, after submitting the application form, the application preview with the photo can be seen on the computer.

If any information is wrong in the Applicant’s copy the image is unclear (completely black/completely white/blurred) or the photograph/signature is not correct then only re-apply (on the web) without depositing the application fee. It should be noted that no further changes/amendments/enhancements are accepted after the submission of the application fee, therefore, before submitting the application fee, the candidate must ensure that the applicant’s copy has his/her latest color photograph, accurate information and signature attached and its correctness by downloading the PDF copy. Print and save.

A User ID will be given in the Applicant’s copy and using the User ID, the Candidate will send 02 (two) SMS through any Teletalk Pre-paid Mobile number in the following manner for the application fee of 01 Serial No. 600/-(six hundred) Taka and service charges of Teletalk. A total of 669 (six hundred and sixty-nine) including Tk 69/- (Non-refundable), 500/- (Five hundred) Tk for the application fee for serial 02, and Tk 58/- (Tk fifty-eight) for a service charge of Teletalk totaling 558/- (Five hundred and fifty-eight) ) Rs. (Non-Refundable) and Total Rs.335/- (Three Hundred and Thirty-Five) Rs. (Non-Refundable) including Application Fee Rs.300/- (Three Hundred) and Service Charge of Teletalk Rs.35/- (Three Hundred and Thirty-Five) for serial no. The application fee for serial is Rs.200/- (two hundred) and the service charge of Teletalk is Rs.23/- (twenty-three) total including Rs.223/- (two hundred and twenty-three) (non-refundable), application fee for serial No. 08 is Rs.100/-(one hundred) ) money and service charges of Teletalk together with a total of 112/- (one hundred times) Taka (non-refundable) within 72 (seventy-two) hours through Teletalk pre-paid mobile number. Especially note that ‘Online Even if all parts of the application form are submitted and submitted, the application form filled online will not be accepted under any circumstances until the examination fee is submitted.

Receipt of admit card will be intimated in due course on the website http://wewb.teletalk.com.bd and through SMS on the candidate’s mobile phone (only eligible candidates). All communication related to the examination will be completed on the mobile phone provided by the candidate in the online application form, so it is recommended to keep the number active at all times, read the SMS, and follow the instructions received immediately. After using the User ID and Password sent in the SMS, the candidate will download and print the admit card containing the information such as roll number, post name, photo, exam date, time venue name etc Candidate must produce this admit card during written and oral tests. Candidates can retrieve their User ID and PIN from Teletalk’s pre-paid mobile number only by following the SMS procedure described below.

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