Warpo Postponed Oral Exam Schedule 2023. Regarding the admission of deferred oral examination for various posts of Water Resources Planning Organization (WORPO). Regarding the deferred oral examination of candidates selected for the post of ‘Assistant Engineer-Scientific Officer (Agriculture)’. Regarding the deferred oral examination of candidates selected for the post of ‘Scientific Officer (Inspection and Evaluation)’. Regarding the deferred oral examination of candidates selected for the post of ‘Assistant Engineer/Scientific Officer (Agriculture)’. Following are the roll numbers of the candidates selected for the oral examination on the basis of the results of the written examination held at Warpo Bhavan, 72 Green Road, Dhaka on 09-09-2023 AD for the purpose of appointment to the post of ‘Assistant Engineer/Scientific Officer (Agriculture)’ of Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO).
warpo Viva Schedule 2023 – warpo.gov.bd
At the time of appearing in the oral examination, the successful candidates must carry the application copy (in color), written examination admit card (in color), national identity card (in original), citizenship certificate (in original), and 4 (four) freshly drawn copies. Passport size color photograph (attested), experience certificate (if any), original copies of all educational qualification certificates, and one set of attested photocopies of all certificates/certificates. Candidates who have cleared the written test are requested to appear at the scheduled time for the oral test. Candidates will not be paid any TA/DA for appearing in the oral examination.