Applications are invited from permanent citizens of Bangladesh with the qualifications mentioned against each post subject to the following conditions for filling up the following vacant posts under the jurisdiction of Bangladesh Waqf Administration through direct recruitment.
Bangladesh Waqf Administrator Office Application Form Download 2023 Apply | waqf Job Circular 2023 –
1. You have to apply in the latest job application form prescribed by the Ministry of Public Administration. The form can be downloaded from Bangladesh Waqf Administration website:
2. 5×5 cm freshly photographed along with the application form. 03 (three) copies of size-attested photographs are to be submitted.
3. A bank draft/pay-order (irrevocable) of Tk 200/- for Serial No. 1-3 and Tk 100/- for Serial No. 4 from any Scheduled Bank in favor of Waqf Administrator, Bangladesh Waqf Administrator Office should be attached with the application form.
4. Age Limit: 14/05/2023 Applicant’s minimum and maximum age on the date will be 18 to 30 years. However, the Ministry of Public Administration last September 22, 2022. In view of the memorandum dated 05.00.0000., the applicant’s age is 30/06/2023. If the candidate is above 30 years on the date then the candidate will be eligible to apply. The maximum age limit for the freedom fighter quota and disabled quota is 32 years. An affidavit regarding age is not admissible.
5. A candidate can apply for only one post.
6. Employed candidates must apply through the appropriate authority.
7. Selection of candidates will be followed as per government rules regarding quota and recruitment policy.
8. 8’x4′ size stamped return envelope containing the current postal contact address of the candidate along with the application form
should be attached. The name of the post and its own district should be mentioned on the envelope in the application form.
9. Any kind of solicitation or suggestion will be considered a disqualification for the job candidate.
10. Application form Waqf Administrator, Office of Bangladesh Waqf Administrator, 4 New Iskaton Road, Dhaka-1000 to this address on 14/05/2023 Date to be submitted by post/in person during office hours. Applications received after the prescribed time and date will be considered canceled.
11. Incomplete/defective application forms will be treated as an outright rejection.
12. No TA/DA will be provided for participation in written and oral examinations.
13. The authority reserves the right to reduce/increase the number of posts mentioned in the notification and cancel the notification.
14. The decision of the appointing authority in the matter of appointment shall be final.