Sheikh Hasina Youth Development Institute has published the examination schedule for the post of assistant director. The examination for the post of Assistant Director of Sheikh Hasina Youth Development Institute will be held on May 19 from 11 AM to 12:30 PM. As per the exam schedule, it appears that the exam will be conducted in written form. Like other exams, the exam for the post of assistant director of Sheikh Hasina Youth Institute will be held in Dhaka city.
Sheikh Hasina Youth Development Institute Government Director Post Exam Total Time 90 Minutes. The examination will be conducted in written form. Eligible candidates have already received the Roll and Pin or Password combination message via SMS. Those who haven’t received it yet keep the applied number active and wait. Click on the link to download the admit card and print it.
SHNIYD Admit Card 2023 –
Admit Card Download:
SHNIYD Admit Card Download 2023
Sheikh Hasina Youth Development Institute Exam Instructions:
01. No one will be allowed to appear in the examination without admit card. This admit card should be brought along with the written, practical and oral exams. No new admit cards will be issued.
02. Candidates have to follow health related rules and regulations.
03. Attend the examination center at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination. No entry will be allowed into the center after the commencement of the examination. Candidates have to return both the question paper and answer sheet.
04. Any kind of electronic device including mobile phone, calculator and any kind of books are not allowed to enter the exam room.
05. If there is a mistake in the signature of the candidate on the application form, attendance sheet and answer sheet and other documents, the answer sheet will be considered invalid.
06. The result of written, practical and oral examination will be published on the web portal of Sheikh Hasina National Youth Development Institute ( and on the notice board of Sheikh Hasina National Youth Development Institute. Even if the exam venue/schedule changes due to unavoidable reasons, the same will be published on the said web portal and notice board.
07. At the time of oral examination, original copies of all certificates and records mentioned in the recruitment notice and application form must be produced.
08. No TA/DA will be given for participation in written, practical and oral tests.
09. In case of recommendation/advocacy for appointment, the concerned applicant will be treated as directly ineligible.
10. Authority reserves all decision-making powers regarding examination.