Rajshahi Development Authority Recruitment Circular 2023. In view of the Ministry of Housing and Public Works, memorandum dated 10/10/2018 to fill up 23 vacancies and in view of the extension of the Ministry of Housing and Public Works dated 29/12/2022 clearance letter to fill the following vacancies in Rajshahi Development Authority on a temporary basis subject to the following conditions: Applications are invited in the prescribed application form.
The prescribed application form and admit card are available on the website of the Rajshahi Development Authority at https://www.rdarajshahi.gov.bd. Information should be provided as per the instructions in the application form and admit card. The candidate must be a citizen of Bangladesh. As per the Memorandum dated 22/09/2012 of the Ministry of Public Administration, Rule-1 Branch Candidates’ age should be between 18-30 years as of 25/03/2020. However, the age limit is relaxable up to 32 years in the case of sons/daughters of brave freedom fighters/martyred freedom fighters and physically challenged candidates. No affidavit in respect of age is admissible.
RDA Job Application Form | RDA Job Circular 2023 – rdarajshahi.gov.bd

In the light of the notification dated 22/09/2022 of the Finance Department, the candidate will be paid 600/-(Six Hundred) for the post-Nos. 1 to 2, 500/-(Five Hundred) for posts No. 3 and No. 4 and No. 5 to No. 11 200/- (Two Hundred) for the mentioned posts and Rs.100/- (One Hundred) (Non-Refundable) for the mentioned posts from 12th to 14th should be enclosed with the application form and pay-order/ Bank draft number, date, amount and bank, and branch name should be recorded.
A separate 9.5′ x 4.5 size envelope affixed with a postage stamp of 15/- (fifteen) containing your name and address should be enclosed along with the application form for the purpose of issuing of Admit Card to the correct address. Admit cards should be collected from the Rajshahi Development Authority office/website and filled manually (applicable part) and submitted along with the application. 5×5 cm in the prescribed space of the admit card. 01 (one) copy of size color photograph to be attached with glue.