Rural Development Academy (RDA) Bogra Written Exam Schedule Released. Written Exam Schedule and Instructions to be done/followed in the Exam for Assistant Director Vacancy. Manpower recruitment for the vacant post of Assistant Director of Rural Development Academy, Bogra on February 17, 2024 AD. The written test of 161 candidates was selected based on the results of the preliminary selection test held on 09 March 2024. The date will be held on Saturday at 10:00 AM at Palli Unnayan Academy Laboratory School and College, Bogra. It is mentioned that the oral test will be held on the same day for the candidates who qualify for the written test. Procedures and instructions for the examination are mentioned below. Based on the results of the written examination, the oral examination will be held on the same day (09/03/2023) for successful candidates. The list of candidates selected for the oral examination will be published on the notice board and website of the academy on the day of the written examination.
RDA Exam Postponed 2024

RDA Admit Card 2024

RDA Admit Card 2024
Center-wise seat arrangement, schedule, and instructions for the recruitment of manpower for the vacant post of Hakari Director-2024 (MCQ Type) Preliminary selection test for the recruitment of manpower for the vacant post of Assistant Director of Rural Development Academy, Bogra-2024 (MCQ Type) will be held on 17 February 2024. The date will be held on Saturday morning from 10:00-11:00 am at the following 03 centers of Bogra district. Exam center-wise seat arrangement, procedures, and instructions are mentioned below. Download the exam admit card from this website
There will be 2 sections of the OMR answer sheet for Assistant Director (Vacancy) Recruitment Preliminary Selection Test-2024 (MCQ Type). The first part will contain the roll number, set number, and signature space. The second part will have circles in order from 1-100 to give 100 (one hundred) answers. Candidates are specially warned that if the roll number of the answer sheet is not written correctly and the circle is not filled correctly, if any kind of cutting, putting fluid on the answer sheet, or giving any symbolic marks, the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled. The notification is available on RDA’s website (