Public Works Department (PWD) Practical Exam Time Table and Seat Pattern 2024. Notice of practical examination schedule and seat arrangement for direct recruitment of 449 vacant posts of a total of 7 categories from 14th grade to 16th grade of the Public Works Department. In connection with the publication of the practical examination schedule circular for direct recruitment of 449 vacant posts of 07 (seven) categories of 14-grade to 16-grade of the Public Works Department. The above is to inform you that for the direct recruitment of 449 vacant posts of 07 (seven) categories from 14-grade to 16-grade in the written examination held on 23/12/2023 for the posts of Stenotypist-cum-Computer Operator and Office Assistant-cum-Computer Typist. PRACTICAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF APPROVED CANDIDATES 1) Daily Ittefaq 2) Daily Janakantha 3) Daily Alokita Bangladesh, 4) Daily Our Time and 5) The daily observer (1 English) for 01 (one) day publication in national daily newspaper along with 05 (five) sets. Attached and sent as instructions for taking necessary action on an urgent basis.
Notification regarding practical tests for candidates who have cleared the written test. Practical Test (Type Speed Test in Shorthand, Bangla, and English Subjects) for Candidates who passed the Written Examination held on 23/12/2023 for the Posts of Stenotypist Cum-Computer Operator and Office Assistant Cum-Computer Typist of Grade 14 to Grade 16 of Public Works Department. To be held on 02/2024 and 03/02/2024 at Bangladesh Computer Council, ICT Tower, Agargaon, Dhaka. The date, time, roll number, and seat arrangement of the examination have been published on the notice board of the Public Works Department website (
As per the said date and time every candidate must be present at the examination center at least 30 minutes before. No candidate will be allowed to enter the hall after the time mentioned in the list. The list of candidates who passed the practical test for the said 02 posts will be published later on the website of the Public Works Department. Attachment: Practical Test Schedule – 01 (One) Page-5 (Five) Sets.
PWD Practical Exam Schedule and Seat Plan 2024