Police Headquarters Recruitment Exam Result. 12/05/2023 for the purpose of appointing the vacancies of 3rd class officials of Police Headquarters. Result of written examination held. 12/0/2020 for the purpose of recruitment of 3rd Class Clerk Vacancies in Police Headquarters. Regarding the publication of the results of the written examination held. For the information of all concerned, it is hereby informed that the roll number of the candidates passed on the basis of the result of the written examination for the recruitment of Numerical-cum-Computer Operator, Statistical Assistant, Office Assistant-cum-Computer Numerical 2023 in Police Headquarters, Dhaka is Ningrup (not on the basis of merit).
Police Headquarters Result 2023 – police.gov.bd
The practical test schedule of passed candidates will be intimated in due course through the Bangladesh Police website (www.police.gov.bd) and SMS from Teletalk Bangladesh Limited.