PM Fellowship 2023 | How to Apply for PM Fellowship –

Pradhan Mantri Fellowship Notification 2023, How to Apply for Pradhan Mantri Fellowship According to the Prime Minister Fellowship Policy- 2022, online applications are being invited from the citizens of Bangladesh for the purpose of awarding “Prime Minister Fellowship” in higher education (Ph.D. and Master Degree) in the financial year 2023-24 subject to the following conditions. Online Application Last Date: 30 April 2023, Bangladesh Local Time 11.59 PM.



PM Fellowship 2023 | How to Apply for PM Fellowship –



Prime Minister Fellowship Requirements and Instructions:

1) Citizens of Bangladesh who have not previously done any Master’s Degree/Equivalent Degree or Ph.D. abroad can apply for Master’s Degree or Ph.D. under the mentioned fellowship. However, those who have previously completed a Master’s degree abroad can apply for the Ph.D. In the case of Government Servants, only those whose employment has been made permanent will be eligible to apply.

  • 1.1) In the case of Government Officers who have completed any Master’s degree/equivalent degree in the country or abroad under Government facilities (on deputation or study leave) after joining service, shall not be considered for fellowship for completion of Master’s degree again.
  • 1.2) In the case of private candidates who have already completed any Master’s degree/ equivalent degree abroad, they will not be considered for fellowship for completing a Master’s degree again.
  • 1.3) Applications of candidates who have completed their Ph.D. will not be considered for fellowship.

2) The applicant must attach an Unconditional offer letter (full-time) from a university/educational institution for the desired degree with the application. The last date of admission mentioned in the said admission offer must be between 1st July 2023 and 31st December 2023. Applications with more than one offer letter will not be accepted and will be considered invalid. Note that offering letters of Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) leading to a Master’ (in case of a Master’s degree) or MPhil leading to a Ph.D. (in case of a Ph.D.) will be considered. will not

3) Master’s degree according to The Times Higher Education World University Overall Rankings 2023
For 1 to 200 and for Ph.D. 1 to 100 offer letters from universities/educational institutes should be brought. Any ranking other than the stated ranking or any other ranking will not be considered for receiving and evaluating applications.

4) Areas of study/research under the fellowship:

In order to build a better Bangladesh, priority will be given to the following areas in providing fellowships for human resource development; Social Protection, Education, Women Empowerment, Public Health, Trade and Investment, Power and Energy, Finance and Economics, Public Policy, Public Sector Management, Legal and Security Studies, Environment, and Climate Change, Information and Communication Technology, Diplomacy, Agriculture and Food Security, Applied Sciences (Biological, Medical science, Engineering, etc.

  • 4.1) In the case of cadre officers, the subject of study/research must be related to their own job;
  • 4.2) In the case of teachers, the subject of study/research must be related to their own subject.

5) Under this fellowship, a maximum of 2 years for a Master’s degree and a maximum of 3 years for Ph.D. degree will be provided. Under no circumstances will the fellowship be awarded for an additional period thereof.

6) Applicants for master’s degree courses should have valid TOEFL iBT/IELTS (Academic) / PTE Academic scores till the last date of application. For the IELTS (Academic) Overall score Minimum of 6.5, the TOEFL iBT Overall / Total score minimum of 88 and the PTE Academic Overall score should be a minimum 59. Candidates scoring below the above score will not be considered eligible to apply. English Proficiency Test Score is not mandatory for Ph.D. application.


7) The age of the applicant should be less than 45 years on the last date of receipt of application.


8) Candidates holding any other government/private/international scholarship/fellowship will not be considered for this fellowship. However, partial/full scholarship holders from the university can apply. In the case of this type of application, the related documents should be attached to the application by mentioning the scholarship information. In this case, the decision of the Fellowship Selection Committee will be considered final.

9) No application for a change of study session, change of subject, change of university or change of country will be entertained by the fellows after the declaration of the results of the fellowship. Final selected/nominated candidates are compulsorily required to attend the scheduled university and scheduled session. Otherwise, his fellowship will be considered canceled.

10) Two witnesses [Government employee (5th grade or above) or local government representative (Mayor/Councillor of City Corporation, Mayor of Municipality, Chairman of Upazila Parishad)] to the effect that the recipient of the fellowship will return to the country and spend a minimum of 02 years working in the country. Along with his signature, he will provide a non-judicial stamp bond of 600 (six hundred) rupees as per the rules to the effect that if he does not return to the country after the study, he will be obliged to return all the money received for the fellowship to the government. The said witnesses shall also file separate bonds to the effect that if the respective fellows return to the country after completing their studies and do not complete 02 years of service, they shall jointly be bound to pay 5,00,000.00 (Five Lakhs) to the Government. It should be noted that appropriate legal action will be taken against the recipient of the fellowship if he does not return to the country after completing his studies.


11) If the fellowship holder is required to travel/stay in any other country or Bangladesh during the course of study, the same must be intimated to the fellowship authority in advance.


12) A Master Degree Fellow can stay in Bangladesh for a maximum of 2 months and a Ph.D. The fellow can stay in Bangladesh for a maximum of 4 months for data collection or internship or any other reason related to the study. If he stays more than this he will get a subsistence allowance at the local rate. However, a fellow cannot stay in Bangladesh for more than two weeks due to personal reasons. If a Fellow stays in Bangladesh for more than two weeks for personal reasons, the concerned Fellow will be entitled to a subsistence allowance at the local rate for the additional time.

13) If the applicant is a government officer, the application should be made through the controlling authority. Before online submission, the application will be considered as having been submitted through the controlling authority only if the prescribed form is signed along with the recommendation of the controlling authority at the prescribed place for forwarding and forwarding.

14) No fellow or government official receiving Prime Minister Fellowship can apply for Permanent Residence (PR) or green card or citizenship or accept PR / green card or citizenship in any country during the course of study. Anyone doing so will have his/her fellowship terminated immediately and will be informed to the competent authority for taking legal action against him/her.

15) Persons who have already applied or been granted permission for permanent residence abroad by themselves or their spouse or parents will not be considered for the fellowship.

16) In addition, the terms and conditions of the orders/circulars/policies issued by the Ministry of Public Administration at various times regarding foreign training shall be applicable.

17) If any false information or fraud of any kind in the application is discovered at any stage of selection or fellowship, the application/fellowship will be treated as immediate cancellation and appropriate legal action will be taken against him.

18) The Prime Minister Fellowship Authority may at any time modify, add and subtract any conditions (including financial benefits) of the Prime Minister Fellowship for proper implementation of the Fellowship program.

19) Financial benefits provided by Prime Minister Fellowship:

  • Selected fellows will be provided with financial benefits as per the ‘Pradhan Mantri Fellowship Policy – 2022’.

20) Prime Minister Fellowship Application Procedure:

  • 1. Applicants enter the Eligibility Test at the fellowship website
    Must participate. Applicants who have passed the Eligibility Test have their own e-mail address on the Fellowship website Account (email with own name domain) and mobile phone number verified account can be opened. said An applicant can create and submit his/her application through the account. The application can be amended multiple times before submitting the application. After submitting the application, the applicant will receive a confirmation message through e-mail and mobile phone with an application ID number. Applicants should save the application number for future reference. The application ID number will be used for application tracking and further communication regarding the fellowship. It should be noted that the email account with the domain of your name at the time of application cannot be changed in any way until the fellowship program is completed.
  • 2. After submitting the application online, take a printout of the application. This printout will be treated as a hard copy of the application. However, it is not necessary to send the hard copy of the application to this office.
  • 3. Applications will be accepted through three applicant categories. Officers belonging to the BCS cadre “BCS Government Officers”, officers in all other Government and Autonomous Institutions “Non-BCS Govt (BCS Other than)” and private individuals can apply in the “Private Category”.
  • 4. In case of selection of Applicant Category in the application form, all other government and other than BCS officers
    Persons working in Autonomous Institutions will be considered in the ‘Non-BCS Govt (other than BCS)’ category. Eg: All Govt Universities/ Institutions etc.
  • 5. In the case of the private category, all the candidates who belong to the government and non-BCS government categories can apply.
  • 6. Once the application has been submitted, no correction/amendment can be applied.
    One person can make only one application. If a person makes more than one application, his application will be considered rejected directly.

21) Online Application Last Date: 30 April 2023, Bangladesh Local Time 11.59 PM.


22) The following documents must be attached to the online application:

  • 1. Upload the PDF version of the Unconditional offer letter (full-time) from the University/Educational Institution.
  • 2. PDF versions of certificates and mark sheets/transcripts should be attached/uploaded as self-evidence of all educational qualifications;
  • 3. Applicant’s suitability for the scholarship, Purpose of selecting the particular subject/
    topic and the university, linkage of the proposed study to the development of Bangladesh,
    Future prospects of utilizing the acquired knowledge through this study program professional experience should be typed in English in not more than 500 words ‘Statement of Purpose’ in the designated place. The applicant’s name cannot be used in any part of the Statement of Purpose, but the current and previous titles and workplaces can be used. In the case of a Ph.D. application, Research Proposal must be uploaded at the designated place;
  • 4. Upload a PDF version of the TOEFL iBT / IELTS (Academic) / PTE Academic Exam Result
    To be done: If the applicant is a Government servant, the employment should be permanent and the proof of permanent employment (PDF version of gazette notification) should be uploaded at the appropriate place.
  • 5. PDF version of the Experience Certificate (for private applicants only) should be uploaded
    Identification page of National Identity Card – NID and Passport
    Identification page) PDF version must be uploaded;
  • 6. Applicant should upload a recent passport-size color photograph in JPG/JPEG format;
  • 7. The recommendation and forwarding form should be duly filled and uploaded with the signature (with date) and seal (at the appropriate place) of the applicant and his authority.

23) To refer to the ‘Prime Minister Fellowship Policy- 2022’ and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) maintained on the website of the Governance Innovation Unit for various allowance rates payable under the fellowship, fellow selection procedure, and other questions related to the fellowship. Requested.

24) For any fellowship-related information not mentioned in ‘Pradhan Mantri Fellowship Policy – 2022’ and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) can be contacted at +8801310594510 during office hours (9.00 AM to 5.00 PM).

25) Any personal communication or recommendation by/on behalf of the applicant at any stage during the selection of Fellows will be considered as disqualification.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for applicants to Ph.D. and Masters courses under Pradhan Mantri Fellowship:

1. Can I apply for Master’s or Ph.D. under the Prime Minister’s Fellowship if I have already done Masters abroad?

  • Answer: Those who have already done Masters abroad will not be considered for Master’s under the Prime Minister’s Fellowship, but can apply for Ph.D.

2. How to know if the application and attached documents have been accepted?

Ans: The receipt of the application and attached documents will be known through automatic email notification.

3. What is meant by a regulatory authority?

  • Ans: Controlling authority means the head of the office of the applicant.
  • For example:
  • a) In the case of BCS officers, if the applicant is working in a Ministry/Department, his Head of Department will be the Secretary of the said Ministry/Department, in the case of Directorate, the Head of the concerned Directorate. If the applicant is working at the field level (district/department), his head of office will be the concerned district/department head. If the applicant himself is the District/Divisional Head, his Head of Office will be the Secretary of the Controlling Ministry.
  • b) In the case of Non-BCS Govt (other than BCS) officers the controlling authority of the applicant will be their Head of Office/Department. In the case of all government universities, the head of the department will be the registrar of the concerned university. In the case of autonomous institutions, the controlling authority will be the head of the concerned institution. In the case of Bangladesh Bank, if the office order signed by the General Manager of the Human Resource Department is attached, the application will be deemed to have been made through the regulatory authority.

4. What are the steps in the selection process?

  • Answer: The steps in the selection process are as follows:
  • a) Scrutiny of applications and attached documents, selection and publication of the list of preliminary selected
  • b) Scheduling the date of oral examination of the initially selected and conducting Analytical Skills and Oral Examination accordingly
  • c) Publication of list of finalists.

5. Can I apply for Prime Minister Fellowship more than once?

  • Answer: The Prime Minister Fellowship can be applied for multiple times.

6. Applications are invited from BCS, Non-BCS Governments (Other than BCS), and Private applicants for Pradhan Mantri Fellowship. What will be the proportional rate of selection of the final candidate among these three groups of applicants?

  • Answer: BCS officers will be selected at the rate of 70%, non-BCS government officers at the rate of 20%, and private applicants at the rate of 10%. However, if the prescribed number of applications is not received in any group, it will be adjusted in the next notification. It may be noted that the persons working in all Government and Autonomous Institutions other than BCS Officers will be considered in the ‘Non-BCS Govt (Other than BCS)’ category. Eg: All Govt Universities/ Institutions etc.

7. If TOEFL iBT / IELTS Academic / PTE Academic score is not required for admission to universities with an offer letter, is the condition of the TOEFL iBT / IELTS Academic / PTE Academic relaxed?

  • Answer: No. Although TOEFL iBT / IELTS Academic / PTE Academic scores are not required for admission in universities with offer letters, the condition of TOEFL iBT / IELTS Academic / PTE Academic is not relaxed. Note that TOEFL iBT / IELTS Academic / PTE Academic score is one of the primary selection criteria for the Prime Minister Fellowship.

8. Is it acceptable if the offer letter mentions conditions related to studying expenses?

  • Answer: Conditional offer letter regarding study expenses is acceptable. If the offer letter contains only conditions related to studying expenses, it will be treated as an Unconditional Offer letter.

9. Is there any chance to change the admission session/subject/university/country after receiving the fellowship?

  • Answer: There is no opportunity to change admission session/subject/university/country after receiving the fellowship.

10. Will the duration of the designated fellowship be extended if the desired study requires extended time?

  • Answer: There is no scope for extension or change during the fellowship.

11. Within how many days the bond has to be paid by the candidate selected for the fellowship?

  • Ans: The selected candidate has to pay the bond within the stipulated time frame by the fellowship authority.

12. Is there any sample or guideline for the Statement of Purpose?

  • Answer: The Statement of Purpose must be submitted in English not more than 500 (five hundred) words and the applicant’s name cannot be used in any part of the Statement of Purpose, but the current and
  1. previous surname, the workplace can be used. The guideline of the Statement of Purpose is as follows:
  2. Why do you consider yourself suitable for the scholarship?
  3. Why have you selected the particular subject in the proposed university?
    Please mention the prospects of utilizing the acquired knowledge through this study program in your profession
  4. How will you link your proposed study to the development of Bangladesh?

13. Is there any sample or guideline for Research Proposal?

  • Answer: There is no sample of the Research Proposal. However, the Research Proposal must mention the problem statement, research questions, research gap, conceptual/theoretical framework, and methodology.

14. On which date the applicant’s age will be considered for determining whether the applicant’s age falls within the ‘Applicant’s Upper Age Limit’ mentioned in the notification?

  • Ans: The age of the applicant as of the last date of submission of the online application will be considered to determine whether the age of the applicant falls within the ‘Applicant Maximum Age Limit’ mentioned in the notification.

15. What does domain name email mean?

  • Answer: Email with own name domain means email address containing part of applicant’s original name. For example, if the applicant’s name is Amena Khatoon, the email address must contain Amena or khatoon.


PM Fellowship 2023 | How to Apply for PM Fellowship –










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