Transcripts/Date of Computer Aptitude Test (Practical Test) of the candidates who have passed the Written Examination for the post of “Private Officer” in various Ministries/Departments appointable under Common Pool. Transcript/Mudraksha/Computer Aptitude Test (Practical Test) of 89 candidates who have cleared the written test in the results published on 12.03.2023 for direct recruitment to the posts of “Private Officers” in various Ministries-Departments eligible under the common pool will be held as per the date and schedule mentioned in the following centers.
Date of Transcript-Cypriot-Computer Aptitude Test (Practical Test) for candidates who have passed the written test for the post of Private Officer. Exam Date: 22nd May 2023 Date of Transcription-Cypriot-Computer Aptitude Test (Practical Test) of the candidates who have cleared the written examination for the posts of Personal Officers of various Ministries-Departments eligible for recruitment under the common pool.
Personnel Officer Post (Aptitude Test) Practical Test Schedule 2023

০2. Admit Card for Selection/Written Test is applicable for Transcription/Typewriting/Computer Aptitude Test (Practical Test) will be In case a candidate’s admit card is lost or destroyed, the admit card can be downloaded from the Commission’s website or Teletalk website Candidates will not be allowed to participate in Handwriting/Typewriting/Computer Aptitude Tests (Practical Test) without Admit Card of Selection/Written Test.
03. Candidates must be present at the examination center by 9.30 am on the scheduled examination date.
04. In the case of a candidate, if there is a serious (substantive) deficiency in any of the conditions mentioned in the relevant recruitment circular, the candidate’s candidature will be considered canceled at any stage before or after the oral examination.
05. Result of Candidates Passed in Transcription / Coins / Computer Aptitude Test (Practical Test), BPSC Form- 5A (Applicant’s Copy) along with all required documents/data submission date and information regarding Oral Test Later it will be notified on the Commission’s website and through national daily newspapers.