National Skill Development Authority Recruitment Circular 2024. Applications are invited online ( website) from eligible candidates under the conditions mentioned next to the posts for direct recruitment to the following temporary vacant posts under the revenue sector of the National Skill Development Authority (NSDA) under the Prime Minister’s Office. No application will be accepted except online. The notification will be available on the website ( and Facebook page (National Skills Development Da Authority, Bangladesh) of the National Skills Development Authority, Bangladesh and, apart from the newspaper. bd or by scanning a QR code can also be obtained by directly entering the job portal website of Teletalk. Notification of NSDA Recruitment Exam-2024, rules regarding filling of application form and payment of exam fee through SMS, any amendments/additions (if any) related to recruitment notification, and other necessary information including schedule and seat allocation of post-wise recruitment exam are available on NSDA website (www. and Facebook page (National Skills Development Authority, Bangladesh). Apply | nsda Job Circular 2024

Interested candidates can fill out the application form on this website Application Deadlines are as follows: Online Application Form Filling & Examination Fee Submission Start Date & Time: 03 January 2024 AD. 09:00 am. The last date and time for submission of the application form online: is 25 January 2024 AD. 04:00 pm. Candidates who have received a User ID within the said period can submit the examination fee through SMS within 72 (seventy-two) hours from the time of submission of the application form online. By sending 02 (two) SMS through any Teletalk Pre-paid mobile number for examination fee 600/- (six hundred) taka for the post mentioned in the order number 1 to 4 and teletalk service charge taka 69/- (sixty-nine) (non-refundable) ) a total of Rs.669/- (six hundred and sixty-nine); Examination fee for the posts listed in serial numbers 5 to 6 is Tk 200/- (two hundred) and service charge of Tk 23/- (twenty-three) (non-refundable) total of Tk 223/-(two hundred and twenty-three) and examination fee for the posts listed in serial number 7 100/- (one hundred) taka and teletalk service charge including 12/- (twelve) taka (non-refundable) total 112/- (one hundred and twelve) taka must be deposited within 72 (seventy-two) hours.
It is specially mentioned here, ‘Even if all parts of the online application form are submitted and submitted, the online application form will not be accepted under any circumstances until the examination fee is submitted’. Rules regarding filling out the application form and payment of the examination fee through SMS are available on the mentioned website. No application will be accepted after the prescribed date and time.
Receipt of Admit Card through or the website of National Skill Development Authority (NSDA) under the Prime Minister’s Office ( and through SMS to candidate’s mobile number (Eligible candidates only). Will be informed in due course. All communication related to the examination will be done on the mobile phone given by the candidate in the online application form, so keeping the said number active all the time, reading the SMS, and following the received instructions immediately is prohibited. After using the User ID and Password sent in the SMS, the candidate will download the admit card containing the information such as roll number, post name, photograph, exam date, time and day name, etc. Candidates must produce this admit card while appearing in the written test and oral test if passed. Candidates can retrieve their User ID, Serial, and PIN from Teletalk’s pre-paid mobile phone only by following the SMS method described below.