Niport Lecturer and Field Trainer Posts Written Exam Result 2023. National Institute of Population Research and Training Niport job exam results published. Written Examination Result for Lecturer (Medical) [Grade 9], Lecturer (Primary Health Care) [Grade 9], and Fieldtrainer [Grade 11] of National Population Research and Training Institute Niiport under Department of Health Education and Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
BPSC Form- 5A (Applicant’s copy) along with the following required documents/information of the candidates who have passed the written examination for the posts of Lecturer (Medical) [9th Grade], Lecturer (Primary Health Care) [9th Grade] and Field Trainer [11th Grade] following the hygiene regulations. One) Set from 03.09.2023 to 17.09.2023 (excluding public holidays) daily from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Director (Unit-7), Bangladesh Public Works Commission Secretariat Agargaon, Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 should be submitted by hand or by post. The registration number must be written on every document.
Niport Lecturer and Field Trainer Written Result 2023