Ministry of Primary and Mass Education Oral Exam Schedule 2023. Regarding the results of the written examination and the schedule of the oral examination for recruitment to the vacant posts of photocopy operator and office assistant in the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. The roll numbers of the candidates who passed the written examination held on 22.12.2013 for the recruitment of Photocopy Operator and Office Assistant in the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education are given below.
mopme Viva Schedule 2023 –
The oral examination of the candidates who have cleared the written examination will be held on 27.12.2023 from 9:00 AM at Dhaka PTI, Mirpur-13, Dhaka. At the time of the oral examination, candidates must bring the written examination admit card (color copy), original copy of all certificates, and other original documents required as per the recruitment circular including national identity card and 01 (one) set of attested photocopies of all certificates and documents.