A written test on 19/01/2024 and a practical test on 27/01/2024 were conducted for the recruitment of cashier cum computer operator (grade 14) in the land administration training center. Based on the results of the said examination, the oral examination was conducted on 27/01/2024 following government regulations. In light of the selection committee’s recommendation regarding manpower recruitment dated 27/01/2024, the candidate with the below-mentioned roll number has been selected for initial recruitment.
LATC Result 2024 – latc.gov.bd

Land Administration Training Center Recruitment Exam Result 2023. Result of written examination for the recruitment of manpower in 04 (four) category vacancies of the Ministry of Textiles and Jute. A written examination was held on 25 August 2023 for the purpose of recruiting manpower for the vacancies of 13th, 14th, 16th, and 20th grades in the Ministry of Textiles and Jute. The result is prepared by evaluating the answer sheets of the appeared candidates. The generated results are as follows. Date, time, and venue of practical test for the post of Numismatic Computer Operator (Grade 13), Office Assistant Cum-Computer Numismatic (Grade 16), and Oral Test for all posts as per Ministry of Textiles and Jute website (www.motj.gov.bd) And through SMS of Teletalk Bangladesh Limited, candidates will be notified on their mobile numbers.