Bangladesh Air Force Recruitment Circular 2024. Online applications are invited from the genuine citizens of Bangladesh for appointment temporarily in the revenue sector as described below in the organizational structure of the Bangladesh Air Force through the website The age limit for candidates is a minimum of 18 years and below 30 years as of 17 November 2023; the Maximum age limit is 18-32 years in the case of sons/daughters of veer freedom fighters/martyred veer freedom fighters and physically challenged candidates. No affidavit is admissible as to age; However, the age limit is relaxable up to 40 (forty) years in the case of departmental candidates for the posts of Typist-cum-Computer Operator mentioned in serial no. Candidates employed in Government/Semi-Government Organizations have to apply for permission from the appropriate authority and produce the permission letter at the time of oral examination. apply circular 2024
Candidates who have cleared the written and practical tests for all the posts (where applicable) will be considered eligible for the oral test. Candidates willing to participate in the examination can fill out the application form through this website Online Application Form Filling & Exam Fee Submission Start Date & Time: 03 November 2023 at 1000 hrs. The last date and time for submission of the application form online: is 17 November 2023 at 1700 PM. Interested candidates will receive an Application ID and Password through SMS on the registered mobile number after paying the appropriate fee online within the said period. After filling out the application form through the said Application ID and Password, after final monitoring, if you are sure about the correctness/accuracy of all the information, then submit or submit online.
After submitting the application form, you can download the PDF format copy of the application form and the admit card (oral/written/practical test) by logging in using the Application ID and Password. Admit Card or Admit Card Application Form While filling out the application form the candidates must carefully fill in all the information in the application form accurately. The information provided cannot be changed in any way later. Since the information filled in the online application form will be used in all subsequent activities, the candidate will be 100% sure about the correctness of all the information filled in before submitting the application form online and in this case, can use the Preview The Application option to check its correctness before submitting the application form. The last date to fill out the application form and finally submit it online is 17 November 2023.
Directly click on Apply Online on website and fill in all the necessary information and register as per the next instructions Fee is Rs.300/- (Three Hundred) for Rank-1 post, Rs.34 for Rank-2 200/-(Two Hundred) for the posts up to and 100/-(One Hundred) from Rank 35 to 67. It is noted here that while paying the prescribed fee online, the applicant has to bear the service charge applicable for mobile banking/credit card/debit card and other means (for example: if the prescribed fee for a post is Tk. And if the fixed fee is Tk 100, in case of payment of the fixed fee through Bkash, one has to pay Tk 102.56 including the service charge. In the case of another card or medium, the service charge may be different).
User ID and password will be sent to the registered mobile number on payment of said amount. Since the information provided by logging in through the received application ID and password will be used in all subsequent activities, the candidate himself will be 100% sure about the correctness of all the information filled out before submitting the application form online. In the online application form, the candidate will scan his recent color photograph (length 300 × width 300 pixels) and signature (length 300 × width 80 pixels) and upload it to the designated place. Image size should be a maximum of 100KB and signature size a maximum of 60 KB.
After using the Application ID and Password sent in SMS, the candidates will download and print the Admit Card containing the information such as roll number, post name, photograph, signature, examination date, time and place/center name, etc. Candidates must produce the Admit Card at the time of appearing in the written test and if passed, at the time of the practical and oral tests. For example: If a candidate clears the written test first, the same should be brought up during the subsequent oral or practical test. In this case, the list of candidates will be intimated on the website and through SMS (only to eligible/passed/selected candidates) in due course. All communication related to the examination will be completed on the mobile phone provided by the candidate in the online application form, so keep the number active at all times, read the SMS, and follow the instructions received immediately.