Epidemiology Cell and 24 Quarantine Stations under the Directorate of Livestock, regarding the recruitment of manpower for the posts of Laboratory Technicians, Office Assistants, and Laboratory Attendants. Epidemiology Cell and 24 Quarantine Stations under the Directorate of Livestock for the recruitment of Laboratory Technician and Laboratory Attendant Vacancy for the recruitment of manpower on 18/03/2023.
Written examination of the candidates will be held from 22/05/2023 to 27/05/2023. Directorate of Animal Stock, an Oral examination will be held at Krishi Khamar Road, Farmgate, Dhaka. The oral examination of the candidates who have cleared the written examination will be held as per the date and time mentioned below.
job.dls.gov.bd Viva Schedule 2023 – dls.gov.bd

Candidates have to submit the following documents:
1. Admit card of written exam obtained online.
2. Copy of the application form submitted online
3. Original copies of all educational qualification certificates and one set of attested photocopies 1
4. Original copy of National Identity Card or Birth Certificate and one set of attested photocopies
5. Certificate of Ministry of Liberation War Affairs for Freedom Fighter Quota, Certificate of Freedom Fighter Sangsad Central Command Council, National Identity Card and Birth Certificate for Freedom Fighter Quota, Death Certificate in case of deceased Freedom Fighter, Copy of Muktibarta/Gazette copy of Muktibarta, Certificate of Successor of Freedom Fighter issued by the competent authority, a candidate in case of freedom fighter’s pets Citizenship certificate of father/mother, National Identity Card of candidate’s father/mother in case of grandson/granddaughter of freedom fighter and other related documents in original and one set of attested photocopies as proof.
6. Original certificate/ suitable proof and one set of attested photocopies in favor of candidate quota