Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense Directorate job oral exam schedule release. Result of written test (with roll number) for the recruitment of ‘Driver and Firefighter (Male/Female)’ held on 02.09.2023 in view of the recruitment circular published in ‘Dainik Manabkanth’ and ‘The Bangladesh Post’ newspaper of Directorate of Fire Service and Civil Defense. The results are published on the website of the department ( and on the notice board. The oral examination of the candidates who have passed the written examination will be held as per the schedule given below. Name of the post Roll number of candidates who passed the written test.
Fire Service Viva Schedule 2023 – Viva Schedule
a) Admit card and application copy should be brought along with the written examination at the time of participation in the examination. No one will be allowed to appear in the examination without admit card.
b) At the time of oral examination, the candidate must submit the certificate or the original copy of the proof to prove the correctness of all the information mentioned in the application form (educational qualification certificate, national identity card for proof of age, citizenship certificate and unmarried certificate from the municipal mayor/councilor/UP chairman/city corporation councilor, candidate freedom fighter). Attested photocopy of certificate signed and countersigned by competent authority as per latest government circular for proof as son-daughter (son-daughter of son-daughter where applicable) and certificate from Municipal Mayor/Councillor/UP Chairman/Councilor of City Corporation to prove applicant’s relationship with freedom fighters and In case of Special Quota candidates, the certificate issued by the appropriate authority and the printed copy of the filled Application Form must be produced at the time of the oral examination and 01 (one) set of photocopies of all the certificates or credentials including character certificate (attested by the Gazetted Officer Class 1 at the time of oral examination. time deposit have to pay Attestation must have a seal bearing the clear name and designation of the attesting officer.
c) If any information provided or documents submitted by the candidate is found to be false, false, or fraudulent or if any false or misleading information is used in the examination, the candidature of the concerned candidate will be canceled and any time thereafter if it is found to be false, false or false, the appointment of the concerned candidate will be canceled as per law against him. Action will be taken.
d) Candidates must follow hygiene rules including wearing masks while participating in the oral examination.
e) No Traveling Allowance (TA) and Daily Allowance (DA) will be paid for appearing in the examination.