Directorate of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (DPDT) under the control of the Ministry of Industry for direct recruitment of manpower in the following vacant posts under the revenue sector on a temporary basis as per the rules with other allowances payable as per the pay scale mentioned next to the posts online from the genuine citizens of Bangladesh ( website) applications are being invited within the stipulated time. No application will be accepted except online.
In case of filling up the application form and participating in the examination, the candidate must fill out the prescribed application form launched by the Ministry of Public Administration by visiting this link Date and Time of Online Filling of Application Form and Submission of Application Fee: 10,04, 2023 10.00 AM and Last Date & Time: 09.05.2023 5.00 PM. Apply | dpdt job Circular 2023
Rules and conditions related to the online application forms are available at: website. The notification can be accessed directly from the website apart from the newspaper. The recruitment exam date, time, and other information can be known at website.