Department of Environment Practical Test Schedule 2023 for the post of Car Driver. Taking the practical test for the post of driver of the Department of Environment. For the information of all concerned, it is being informed that according to the employment circular published by the Department of Environment on 27 December 2022 for the post of the driver on 15 April 2023. Candidates who have passed the written test will have a practical test on May 25, 2023.
The date will be held at 09.30 am at Parbhish Bhawan, E/16, Agargaon, Sher Banglanagar, Dhaka. Note that candidates must bring their original driving license and national identity card along with the written test admit card and one set of attested photocopies. Detailed information regarding this will be informed through SMS or Teletalk.
DOE Driver Post Practical Test Schedule 2023