Directorate of Immigration and Passport Practical Exam Result 2023. Publication of Passport Practical Test Result and Oral Test held on 25-05-2023. Department of Immigration and Passports 13th Grade Clerk cum Computer Operator, 14th Grade Clerk Cum Computer Operator, 16th Grade Office Assistant Cum Computer Clerk, Assistant Accountant, Data Entry/Control The roll numbers of the candidates who passed the practical examination held from 23/05/2023 to 25/05/2023 for the recruitment of the vacant posts of Operator and Record Keeper are given below.
DIP Practical Exam Result and Viva Schedule 2023

The oral examination of the candidates who have passed the written and practical examination of the Directorate of Immigration and Passport Recruitment Examination-2023 will be taken in room no-9001 of the Directorate as per the following schedule.