Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO) Job Recommended Candidates List. Dhaka Electric Supply Company (DESCO) Limited has temporarily recommended the following candidates for recruitment to the post of Assistant Lineman in favor of the recruitment circular published on 13/03/2023 AD and 12/05/2013 AD and has been considered for medical check-up—roll number of candidates provisionally recommended and considered for medical check-ups.
DESCO Recommended Candidates List 2023
The said provisionally recommended candidates are requested to appear at the HRM Department (Plot-22/B, Kabi Farrukh Sarani, Nikunj-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229) on 10/12/2023 AD at 10:00 AM Note that if you do not appear for the medical check-up at the scheduled time, you will be considered ineligible for the appointment.