List of Primarily selected candidates for the post of SO(GENERAL) (JOB ID: 10128) (3rd phase) of 8 Banks/FIs (Base Year 2019) details.. (423 KB) [download], Recruitment from Panel (3rd Stage) for the post of Senior Officers of Integrated 8 Banks / Financial Institutions. 2019-based list of selected candidates for 37 vacant posts of ‘Senior Officer (General)’ (Job Id-10128) in the 3rd stage in integrated 7 banks and 1 financial institution. Bankers Selection Committee under the supervision of Secretariat for direct recruitment of 868 vacant posts of ‘Senior Officer (General) in 2019 in 7 banks and 1 financial institution based on the marks obtained in written and oral examination held in pursuance of recruitment circular number-49/2021 dated March 15, 2021. 37 (thirty-seven) candidates with the following roll number have been selected for initial recruitment in the 3rd stage following the government guidelines regarding recruitment from the merit-based panel.