Caritas Bangladesh Recruitment Circular 2024, Caritas Bangladesh is a national-level local non-profit development organization that implements social welfare and developmental activities. Since 1982, Caritas Bangladesh, through its registration with the Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) (Registration No. 00032-00286-00184 dated March 16, 2008), has been operating microcredit programs in rural areas of Bangladesh for the economic empowerment of program partners. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the appointment and panel formation of the following positions on an urgent basis in the microcredit program under the jurisdiction of the Dhaka region of this institution. The eligibility, experience, and conditions of candidates are as follows.
Caritas Bangladesh Job Circular 2024

All the matters that must be mentioned in the application form for application to the Regional Director. a) Candidate’s name b) Father’s name / Husband’s name c) Mother’s name d) Date of birth e) Present address / Contact address f) Permanent address g) Mobile number h) Educational qualification j) Religion j) Nationality c) Marital status l) In case of persons with work experience, the name, address, working supervisor/manager’s name, designation, e-mail address and mobile number should be mentioned in the application. In the case of candidates without work experience (not family member or relative) two reference names, addresses, e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers and relationship with the applicant should be mentioned (reputable person in the area/Teacher of own school/college or university, etc.)
In the case of post No. 1, the selected candidate has to deposit 10,000/- (ten thousand) as security before joining the job, and for the selected candidate in post No. 2, 2,000/- (two thousand) as security, which is refundable with interest at the end of employment Also, the selected candidate for post No. 1 should submit all the original certificates of educational qualification at the Caritas Dhaka Regional Office.