Bangladesh Submarine Cables Recruitment Circular 2024. Bangladesh Submarine Cables plc (bsccl) recruitment circular. Bangladesh Submarine Cables PLC (BSCPLC) under the Department of Posts and Telecommunications is inviting applications from Bangladeshi citizens for direct recruitment to the following vacant posts.
BSCPLC Job Circular 2024 pdf Download

1. Interested candidates should submit a written application to Manager (Human Resources & Administration), Bangladesh Submarine Cables PLC (BSCPLC), Rahmans Regnum Center (8th Floor), 191/1, Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208, mentioning the post name on white paper. Application form along with CV, 3 (three) recent passport size photographs, all educational qualification certificates, national identity card, experience certificate, and all documents including photocopies of other certificates as applicable attested by First Class Gazetted Officer on 01/02/2024. The deposit is requested to be made to the above address by 4:00 PM on the date.
2. The age of the candidate will be calculated till the date of issue of recruitment notification. An affidavit is not acceptable for proof of age. Besides, the name of the candidate should be mentioned on the envelope.
3. A 500.00 (Five Hundred) Bank Draft/Pay Order must be made payable to “Bangladesh Submarine Cables PLC” along with the application form.
4. Candidates employed in Govt, Semi Govt/Autonomous Organizations should apply through the appropriate authority.
5. Candidates will be finalized after taking the written test and oral test.
6. The decision of the appointing authority regarding acceptance/rejection of applications, reduction/increase in the number of posts mentioned in the notification, and recruitment will be considered final.