BPSC Personal Officer Exam Time Table & Center List 2024. Ministry of External Affairs Private Officer Recruitment Test Center, Time Table, Seat Arrangement and Instructions. Ministry of External Affairs “Private Officer” (10th Grade) Selection (MCQ) Exam Centers, Time Table, Seat Arrangement and Instructions. For the information of all concerned, it is hereby informed that the 1 Hour Qualifying (MCQ) Examination of the candidates for the post of “Private Officer” (10th Grade) of the Ministry of External Affairs will be held as per the date, time and seat pattern as mentioned in the following centers.
Admit Card: http://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd
BPSC Personnel Officer Admit Card & Seat Plan 2024

From the Commission website www.bpsc.gov.bd or Teletalk website http://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd Candidates with the downloaded admit card have to attend the selection test for the post of ‘Private Officer’ of the Ministry of External Affairs. No fresh admit card will be issued in favor of the candidates. If a candidate’s admit card is lost or destroyed, it can be downloaded from the Commission’s www.bpsc.gov.bd or Teletalk website http://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd. No candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination without an admit card.