bkkb.teletalk.com.bd Apply | bkkb Job Circular 2023 – bkkb.gov.bd

Bangladesh Employee Welfare Board Recruitment Circular 2023. Applications are invited from genuine Bangladeshi citizens online (http://bkkb.teletalk.com.bd website) to recruit manpower on a conditional and temporary basis for the below-mentioned posts in the Head Office and Divisional Office of Bangladesh Employee Welfare Board. Candidates who wish to participate in the exam will fill out the application form at http://bkkb.teletalk.com.bd website. Date and Time of Application Form Filling and Examination Fee Submission: 01/06/2023 10:00 AM. Last date and time for submission of application form online: 30/06/2013 at 5:00 PM. Candidates who have received the User ID within the said period will submit the exam fee through SMS within the next 72 (seventy-two) hours from the time of submitting the application form online.


In the online application form, the candidate will scan his colored photograph (length 300 × width 300 pixels) and signature (length 300 × width 80 pixels) and upload it to the designated place. Image size should be a maximum of 100KB and signature size should be a maximum of 60 KB. Since the information filled in the online application form will be used in all the subsequent activities, the candidate himself will be 100% sure about the correctness of all the information filled out before submitting the application form online. Candidates shall keep a print copy of the filled online application form as an aid for any exam-related need and submit one copy at the time of the oral examination.


bkkb.teletalk.com.bd Apply | bkkb Job Circular 2023 – bkkb.gov.bd







After completing the online application form by properly filling the application form and uploading the photo and signature according to the instructions, the application preview with the photo can be seen on the computer. Candidates who have submitted the application form correctly will get an Applicant’s copy with a User ID, photograph, and signature. The candidate is the Applicant’s Copy print or download and save. A User ID number will be given in the applicant’s copy and using the User ID number the candidate can pay the examination fee of 600/-(six hundred) taka and Teletalk service charge of 67.00 through any Teletalk pre-paid mobile number through any Teletalk pre-paid mobile number. 667/- (Six Hundred and Sixty-Seven) including Rs.500/- (Five Hundred) for examination fee for Serial No. 500/- (Five Hundred) and Teletalk service charge of  56.00 Total Rs. For examination fee of 200/- (Two Hundred) Taka and a Teletalk Service Charge of 23.00 Taka total of 223/- (Two Hundred Twenty-Three) shall be deposited within 72 (Seventy-two) hours. It is especially noted that ‘Even if all parts of the online application form are submitted and submitted, the online application form will not be accepted under any circumstances until the examination fee is submitted’.


Receipt of admit card will be intimated in due course at http://bkkb.teletalk.com.bd or Bangladesh Employee Welfare Board Website: www.bkkb.gov.bd and through SMS on candidate’s mobile phone (only eligible candidates). All communication related to the examination will be done on the mobile phone provided by the candidate in the online application form, so it is important to keep the number active at all times, read the SMS, and follow the instructions received immediately. After using the User ID and Password sent in SMS, the candidate will download and print (if possible colored) the admit card containing the information such as roll number, post name, photo, exam date, time and venue name, etc. Candidates must produce this admit card at the time of appearing in the written test and at the time of passing the oral test.

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