Biman Flight Catering Center Job Circular 2023 –

Biman Flight Catering Center (BFCC) under Biman Bangladesh Airlines Limited is inviting applications from eligible Bangladeshi nationals for the recruitment of various posts mentioned below. Any amendments, or additions (if any) related to the recruitment notification will be published on the website of Biman Bangladesh Airlines Limited at and


The Aviation Authority reserves the right to reduce or increase the number of posts and amend, modify and suspend or cancel the recruitment notification. Recruitment tests for different posts may be held on the same day. In that case, the candidate will apply for multiple posts on his own responsibility. Candidates who want to participate in the exam can fill out the application form on this website Starting date and time for online application form filling and examination fee submission: 25-06-2023, 10:00 AM. Last date and time for filling online application form: 24-07-2023, 05:00 PM. Candidates who have received a User ID within the said period can submit the examination fee via SMS within 72 (seventy-two) hours from the time of submission of the application form online.


Biman Flight Catering Center Recruitment Circular 2023


Candidate’s Signature (Length 300x Width 80 Pixel) and Color Photograph (Length 300x Width 300 Pixel) in Online Application Form Scan and upload to the specified location. Photo size should be a maximum of 100 KB and signature size should be a maximum of 60 KB. As the information filled in the online application form will be used in all the subsequent activities, the candidate will be 100% sure about the correctness of all the information filled in the online application form before submitting the application form.


Candidates who qualify for the written test must submit attested copies of the following certificates/documents/certificates before the oral interview:

  • (1) A color print copy of the online filled application form,
  • (2) Photocopy of admit card,
  • (3) 4 (four) copies of passport-size color photographs taken recently,
  • (4) Photocopies of all educational certificates and transcripts,
  • (5) Photocopy of National Identity Card,
  • (6) Certificate issued by Union Parishad/Municipal Mayor/City Corporation/Ward Commissioner in support of own district,
  • (7) Experience Certificate (if applicable).

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