Applications are invited from genuine citizens of Bangladesh for the recruitment of employees in the following table for Bepja Public School and College, Comilla EPZ. The following documents must be submitted along with the application. 03 copies of a recent passport-size color photograph of educational qualification attested by 1st Class Gazetted Officer, Birth Registration Certificate/ National Identity Card, and Experience Certificate (if any). The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever and the Authority shall not be bound to make appointments or issue written/oral test cards due to the publication of this recruitment notice. No documents submitted along with the application will be returned. 500/- (Five Hundred) rupees in favor of Bepja Public School & College, Comilla should be enclosed with the application along with Pay Order/Bank Draft (Irrevocable). Any lobbying or recommendation will be considered disqualification of the candidate. Candidates will not be given any TA/DA for appearing in written/oral examinations. The decision of the authority regarding recruitment will be considered final.
Bepza Public School and College Job Circular 2024