Notification regarding center list and seat arrangement of Preliminary Test to be held for the purpose of appointment to the post of ‘Assistant Director’ in Bangladesh Bank. Preliminary test (MCQ Type) of the candidates who have previously downloaded the admit card (Job ID: 265) from the website of Bangladesh Bank from among the candidates who applied online as per the recruitment circular No-18/2023 published on 30/05/2023 for the post of ‘Assistant Director’ in Bangladesh Bank. ) will be held on 20 October 2023 (Friday) from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the following centers under the conditions mentioned in paragraph no. 2-9.
Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director Seat Plan 2023
2. No candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination without an admit card. Bringing any paper, books, mobile phones, calculators, smart watches, all types of electronic devices, bank/credit card-like devices, jewelry, bracelets, and bags to the examination center is strictly prohibited.
3. Candidates cannot cover their ears during the examination, both ears must be visible. No prohibited items can be entered into the center.
4. If it is necessary to use an audio recorder or any type of hearing aid in the ear, an application should be made to the Director (HRD-1), Human Resources Department-1 by 18/10/2023 with the recommendation of a specialist doctor of a government hospital.
5. Candidates are advised to leave for the examination center with sufficient time considering the traffic of Dhaka city. Candidates must reach the examination center at least 01 hours before the commencement of the examination to complete the necessary checking activities. The main gate of the examination center will be closed at 10:00 am and no candidate will be allowed to enter the center after that.
6. Candidates are advised to enter the examination hall by matching the complete roll number of 06 digits properly.
7. Candidates who have previously downloaded the admit card will get the opportunity to download the duplicate admit card if necessary from the Bangladesh Bank website from 18/10/2023. Admit cards will not be issued to any fresh candidate.
8. Candidates will not be given any kind of TA/DA for appearing in the examination.