Notice of Oral Examination for the post of Court Inspector. The oral examination of the candidates selected for the oral examination for recruitment to the vacant post of Court Inspector of the Anti-Corruption Commission will be held at the Anti-Corruption Commission, Head Office, 1 Segunbagicha, Dhaka on the following date and time.
ACC Court Inspector Viva Schedule 2023
15(a) of the ‘Recruitment Circular’ issued by the Anti-Corruption Commission in its memorandum dated 11/05/2022 during the oral examination.
- (1) All original certificates of educational qualification
- (2) Original citizenship certificate issued by Union Parishad Chairman/Municipal Chairman/City Corporation Commissioner/Mayor
- (3) Character certificate issued by First Class Gazetted Government Officer, Freedom Fighter, Physically Handicapped, and other quota-related original certificates/required documents
- (4) Original copies of National Identity Card (mandatory)/Birth Registration and other applicable certificates/certificates should be brought.
Moreover, a no-objection letter from the Ministry/Department/Directorate/Organization of the employed persons has to be submitted at the time of the interview; Otherwise, the interview will not be accepted. Sons and Daughters of Freedom Fighters/Martyrs, Women, Orphans, Handicapped, and Ethnic Minority Candidates have to produce the certificate of the competent authority during the oral examination as per the latest policy. Apart from this, a set of all necessary documents including 2 passport-size color photographs attested by the candidate, a copy of admit card and an application form must be submitted during the oral examination.
Don’t bribe anyone in the Anti-Corruption Commission recruitment exam. Don’t be fooled by anyone. If someone asks for a bribe, report it to the ACC Complaint Center 106 immediately. This recruitment is being held with 100% honesty and transparency.