40th BCS Non-Cadre Selection Circular 2023 – 40th BCS Non-Cadre Choice List Circular 2023 pdf. 40th BCS Examination-2018 notification regarding selection order for non-cadre posts. Notification regarding invitation of preference for non-cadre posts. 40th BCS Examination-2018 from among the candidates who have passed written and oral examinations but are not recommended for cadre posts who are interested in getting jobs in non-cadre posts of 9th to 12th grade as per “Recruitment (Special) Rules for Non-Cadre Posts-2023” Online applications are invited for selection of merit-based candidates who are qualified as per the respective recruitment rules for giving preference to the below-mentioned posts.
It is to be noted that as per the instructions of Hon’ble High Court Division’s Writ Number-8585/2023 and Hon’ble Appellate Division’s Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal dated 21.08.2023, the order of selection for 156 posts of Assistant Engineer (PUR)/Upazila Assistant Engineer of Directorate of Local Government Engineering is invited. It didn’t happen.
40th BCS Non-Cadre Choice List 2023
40th BCS Non-Cadre Choice List 2023 PDF Download
40th BCS Non-Cadre List: 40th Non-Cadre List.pdf
The Commission may, from time to time, reduce or increase the number of posts advertised as per the request of the Government on the basis of the demand for vacant posts received from the Government. The educational qualification “First Class Master’s degree or 2nd class Master’s degree with 2nd class Honour’s from recognized University” is mentioned in the notification of non-cadre posts from 40th BCS; Public administration in all those posts According to Ministry [Establishment Ministry] SR, O Act No-301 dated 25th October 2003/2003-Sam(Rule-5)-25/2003, “In accordance with the provisions of existing other recruitment rules, the minimum for direct recruitment to first class job posts Educational Qualification Post Graduate Degree with Honors is prescribed in all those posts, four years degree will be treated as equivalent to Post Graduate Degree with Honours”.
While filling out the online application form for 40th BCS non-cadre posts, the 9th to 12th-grade non-cadre posts will be visible according to the educational qualification as per the 40th BCS online application form (Bpsc Form-1) already filled by the candidate. Candidates should fill out the prescribed Online Application Form for non-cadre posts by mentioning the order of preference from the visible posts and submit it within the below-mentioned date. If the online application form is not filled and submitted within the stipulated time, the concerned candidate will not be considered for the non-cadre post.
- Commencement Date of Selection: 31 August 2023, 6.00 PM.
- Last Date of Preference: 07 September 2023, 11.59 PM.
General instructions and information are available on the Bangladesh Public Service Commission website www.bpsc.gov.bd. Also, assistance regarding technical ambiguities can be availed by contacting TBL’s designated mobile number 01555555150/ 01555555151 during office hours (10.00 AM to 3.00 PM) on the dates mentioned in paragraph 4 of the circular.
Among the non-cadre posts mentioned in the published notification, any candidate who is interested in getting appointed to the non-cadre posts should mention the names of those posts or posts in the order of preference in the online application prescribed by the commission. Candidates who have received recommendation for non-cadre posts from any BCS prior to 40th BCS but have not received recommendation for cadre posts due to shortage of posts in 40th BCS can apply for any non-cadre post [9th to 12th grade] as per eligibility.
As per this notification, the preference provider will not guarantee or entitle the candidate to get employment in non-cadre posts. Candidates will be recommended in the order of preference on the basis of merit and merit for appointment to the respective posts. From the merit list prepared by the commission, after making recommendations for appointment to all the posts of grade 9, recommendations will be made for appointment to the posts of grade 10, grade 11, and grade 12. Candidates will first complete 9th-grade electives.
After completing the 9th-grade electives, complete the 10th-grade electives. In this way, you will complete grade 11 and grade 12 electives. After receiving the recommendation from the commission, the appointing authority can make the appointment on the basis of the recommendation by following all the rules and formalities related to the appointment. After the commission recommends the appointment of a candidate from the prepared list of qualified candidates, if the candidate does not join within 30 (thirty) days of the appointment letter being issued by the appointing authority, or if the candidate refuses to join, the recommendation shall be canceled.
80.00.0000. dated 29 May 2022, 80.000000. dated 19 June 2023, 80 dated 26 June 2023 previously issued by the Commission. , 00, 0000, and 80.00.0000. dated 1 July 2023 and all the preferences in view of these notifications. All the preferences accepted are hereby canceled.
In view of the letter number 05.00.0000. of the Ministry of Public Administration dated 06 July 2023, 10 [ten] posts of Assistant Librarian of the Public Library under the Ministry of Culture have been withdrawn. Civil Petition in the Hon’ble Appellate Division against the order dated 11th July 2023 in Writ Petition No. 8585/2023 filed in the Hon’ble High Court Division for